Apex Pop Up Canopy Leg Drapes are designed to give your canopy an elegant, refined appearance; the perfect addition for formal occasions. Designed from soft, sheer fabric, with a velcro tie at the midpoint, Apex Leg Drapes are quick to install and take down. Leg Drapes come with full width Velcro across the top edge that allows for a tight, smooth seal with the valence of the pop up canopy. These leg drapes fit all Premier Tents 5×5, 8×8, 10×10, 10×15, and 10×20 pop up canopies.  Available in white only and sold in sets of 4.
NOTE: These leg drapes require your tent to have a 1″ wide continuous strip of velcro loops along the bottom edge of your tent valance. This feature is built into every Premier Tents canopy, please double check your canopy if you are installing on any other brand.
See our installation video here: